Authorisating a Quote
When a salesman clicks the Seek Authorisation button, it will send an email to their approver (as defined in Quote Maximums for Salesman) and add the quote to the pending authorisation list.
Anyone with access to the Quote Authorisation app can authorise ANY quote listed. It is NOT restricted to just the salesman’s approver. This is deliberate; enabling authorisation of quotes when the primary approver is not available (eg. on holiday)
Here, Quote 116 is waiting for authorisation. The ASF discount is shown (as this doesn’t appear on the Quote Header app). It appears as both a value (£54) and a percentage (8%). This calculation is based on the RRP (from the Price Book). If you need to view other information regarding this quote, you should use the Quote Header app to generate a PDF or just look at the information in the various apps.
In the Quote Authorisation app, there are only two choices available – approve or reject.
If rejecting, you must enter some text to explain why you’re denying authorisation. This information will then be shown in the Quote Header app (just below the Save button). The salesman will receive and an email indicating rejection, by whom and the reason.
Rejecting will also remove the quote from the pending list.
The salesman can make the necessary changes or discuss with their manager (via Skype, Email or a phone call) to explain. They can then click the Seek Approval button again.
If the manager is happy with the quote, they can click the Lock Quote button to authorise it. This will perform the same actions as the Lock Version button (in the Quote Header) app. This means no more changes can be made (to this version) but enables the salesman to generate the Order Form PDF. The salesman will also receive an email to notify them that the quote has been approved.