Professional Services can be paid for either In Advance (preferred and default) or As Consumed.
The default rate is based on the solution (CPA, Estimating, Tradex etc.)
In Advance
We'd rather that customers pay for Professional Services when the order is placed.
The rate is cheaper.
As Consumed
The customer agrees to consume a specific number of days (at a rate agreed on the order), but only pays for them as the training, project management etc. takes place.
The default rate is higher.
The Quote / Order Form
Professional Services appear in the Professional Services section on the quote / order form.
No indication is made (in this section) as to whether they're In Advance or As Consumed.
As Consumed
In there are an As Consumed lines, then you will need to detail this in the Payment Schedule.
When adding lines to the quote, if the payment type is set to As Consumed, you will be prompted if you want a Payment Schedule for this line to be created.
There is no link between the Professional Services line and the Payment Schedule entry. If you change one, it will NOT affect the other. For example, if you added 5 days of As Consumed (and accepted the prompt to create a Payment Schedule) then subsequently changed the number of days to 7, it will NOT update the Payment Schedule.
You will also be responsible to create the Balance or other Value lines on the Payment Schedule.