User Security

To use the Sales Forecast Dashboard, you'll need to be issued with a login and password. The login will be your firstname.surname (all in lowercase) - for example, chuck.norris

Both the login and password are case sensitive

When you've logged in, your name will be shown in the top-right of the header bar.

  • Login credentials do not expire
  • The user can change their password (via the Help tab)
  • There is no logout (the browser is handling the security). The only way to logout is to close the browser window

User maintenance is handled via the SFD User LiveStax app. Access is restricted to the IT Team.

Adding a New User

Click the Add a New SFD User button

You only need a login and password.

It's important that the login is firstname.surname as we append to email out the login details. The login will be forced to lowercase (even if you use capital letters).

A suitable random password is generated for you. You can click the refresh icon to generate another if it's unsuitable.

If you prefer, you can enter any password you like (eg. a suggestion from the user themselves) but make sure it's reasonably complex (and not obvious).

Selecting from the List Tab

There is no amend feature. If you click a user from the list, the assumption is that you want to set a new password or delete the user.

If you click a user and then change the login name, you'll actually be creating a new user.

When you click a user, the password shown is NOT their current password. That's their new password (if you click the Save button).

There is no way to recover the password. It's stored with bcrypt encryption. If the user forgets, just set a password.

Changing a User Password

If a user wants their password changing, pick them from the List tab and set their password as required. They will receive an email confirming their new password. This would normally only be required if they've forgotten their password (as they can change it themselves via the Help tab).

Deleting a User

To remove a user, select them from the List tab and then click the Delete button.

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