The Columns Tab
There are three main sections on this tab, Report Header Information, Levels and Queries and the columns defined on the report. There is also a feature to Copy a Level / Query.
About Levels, Queries and Columns
Each report may have up to five levels (these are numbered 0 to 4). These represent the tabs on the report (eg, Business Unit, Salesman, Opportunities). Within each level, there can be up to five queries (also numbered 0 to 4). These represent SQL queries that actually return some data.
Each level must have at least one query (otherwise it wouldn't show anything).
A column is a field on the report that we retrieve. These are normally fields returned by a SQL query, but they can be calculations or functions.
Add New Column
The Add New Column button is used to add a new column to the report. This will automatically take you to the Format tab.
Changing the Column Order
To change the column order, just drag the column to the required position. The revised order is saved immediately (when you release the mouse button).