Setting a Salesman's Maximums

The app Quote Maximums for Salesman is used to define the various maximums for a salesman. There is also a default set of maximums that are applied when there isn’t a specific record for the salesman.

In the example shown for Aaron, the first thing we notice is the green tick indicating these maximums are active. Click this tick will toggle the check. When disabled (red cross) the maximums will not be enforced; he can generate any Order Form he likes and never be required to get authorisation.

When one of Aaron's quotes triggers an authorisation requirement, James will get an email (when he Seeks Authorisation). The Default button will set the manager name and email to James Atkinson.

Maximum ASF Discount

If the amount of discount for the ASF lines reaches 25% or £25,750 then authorisation will be required. This is just looking at Bundles and Select Items. It does NOT include Tradex documents.

Maximum Signing Discount

If the Signing Discount is £3,500 (or more) then authorisation will be required.

Maximum Quote Total

If the quote total is £50,000 or more, then authorisation will be required. This is a simple test that just requires authorisation for large orders. Setting this value to zero (£ 0) is an effective way to require authorisation for every quote by a salesman (for example, during a probationary period).

Duplicating Settings

If you want to copy the settings from one salesman to another, then start by clicking on the salesman on Salesman tab. This will show their maximums. Change the name to be the salesman you’d like to copy the settings to and then click the Save button.

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