Form Builder
Form Builder is used to create and amend forms. Form Runner is used to fill-out / submit a form.
IMPORTANT. You can only amend your own forms.
Publishing your Form
By default, any form you create is not published. This means that you are the only person who can see the form. It will appear in the Form Runner list for you, but not for any other LiveStax user.
Whilst you are working on a form, it is best to leave the Published setting to No.
When you have finished your form and are ready for others to use it, you need to set the Publish Form toggle to Yes. This can be found in the Form Header Information.
Email Configuration
When a form is submitted, the information is sent to the address specified in the Email Form To field. More information about the configuration can be found here.
Adding a Field
Click the Add New Field button. Your new field will be automatically added to the end of the list.
Changing the Field Order
On the Layout tab, you can re-arrange the field order by just dragging to the required position. For example, if you wanted Operating System to appear after Hard Disk size, click and hold on Operating System and then drag to the new position. Move operations are saved immediately - no further confirmation is required.