Process a Facilities Issue

When a facilities issue is logged, an email is sent to the facilities team ([email protected]) and the Facilities Team app is updated.

When it starts, a list of open issues is shown. In the example shown, there are six. The list is shown in reverse date order (newest issue at the top).

The list will automatically update every minute. You can force a refresh by clicking the open number (1).

The title of each issue is shown and alongside is an icon (2) to indicate the current status. Red icons are for calls with a status of Logged. Those with a yellow icon have been Acknowledged. Those in light-blue are Under Investigation or In Progress.

Clicking an issue (via either the Open or Closed tab) will show the issue details on the Issue tab. This is how issues are updated.

In the example shown (Issue #17103) we can see when it was logged and by whom, the office affected and the notes. These details can not be changed. If a photo has been uploaded, there will be a View Photo button to the right of the Issue number.

Below is the title, current status and a box for entering some more notes. The title can be changed if necessary.

As the issue is being dealt with, you can keep entering notes to keep track of what it happening. For example,

Bob the Builder (07777 123456) contacted. He will be over on Thursday morning to have a look

You can add as many notes as you like; each one will appear in a box under the Save button, most recent note first.

Change the Status as appropriate. You can pick any status you like, you can jump around (you don’t need to progress in sequence) and even go backwards.

Closing an Issue

Once the issue has been resolved, change the status to Closed. This will send an email to the person who logged the issue. Assuming that you entered some text when you closed the call, this will be included with the email (but NOT the full history of text).

Searching Closed Issues

It is not expected that there will be so many open issues that a search function is require. Therefore, the search routine only exists for closed issues.

The search has two modes. As you type, it will search the visible titles and update the list immediately. The second mode happens when you click the search icon (to the right of the search box). This does a database search of all the notes (and titles) of all the closes issues.

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