Email Configuration

When a form is submitted (via Form Runner) the information entered is sent via email to the specified recipient(s).

In the Form Header Information section is the field Email Form To. This can be a single email address ([email protected]) or a comma separated list (eg. [email protected], [email protected]).

The Me button alongside the field can be clicked to set the field to [email protected] (just to save you typing).

Subject Line

The Subject Line for Email field is optional. If left blank, the subject line will be the name of the form followed by the person submitting the form. For example, New Starter Request by Chuck Norris.

However, you can override the default subject line by entering your own. This can be a simple text field, eg. Parking Reservation but it's often more useful to add dynamic fields based on the contents of the form.

For example, Please reserve 2 parking spaces for ABC Supplies Limited on Sunday, 26 November 2017 where the quantity, name and date come from the form itself.

To get the above example, we'd have a Subject Line of Please reserve $4 parking spaces for $1 on $2

In the screenshot below, the Customer Name would be $1, Date of Visit is $2, Parking Information is $3 and so on.

VERY IMPORTANT. If you re-order the form, you will need to update your subject line.

The email will appear to come from the person who submitted the form. However, If you want the name of the person submitting the form to be included in the Subject, use the dynamic field $BY. This is useful when a form is sent to a service such a ServicePRO.

Example Email

Emails will appear to come from the person who submitted the form.

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