Report Header Information

The Duplicate button can be used to make a copy of this entire report.


The maximum length for the report name is 50 characters

Date Selection Choices

The Sales Forecast Dashboard allows the user to pick a month/year combination or a financial period (Quarter 2, Year-to-Date etc.). For most reports, choosing a month/year makes sense, but periods that span mutliple months (eg. Quarter 3) may not.

No Date (All disbaled)

All the date options are disabled.

Just Months

You can only choose a month January to December.

Any Month / Range (QTR, YTD etc.)

All date choices are available.

StageCode Tick Boxes

When a report is selected, it may make sense to set/unset the stage code tick boxes. Normally, we don't do anything (No Change), so switching reports keeps the ticks you've already selected.

No Change

Leaves the tick boxes unaffected.

Proposal, Commit, T&C

Clears all the tick boxes and then ticks Proposal, Commit and T&Cs.

Tick All Boxes

Does what it says on the tin.

Clear All Boxes

Does what it says on the tin.

Add Menu Divider After

In the screenshot below, the Add Menu Divider After toggle has been set to Yes for By Week, Retrospective (Business Units) and ILF, ALF & PS (Sales Teams). This facility is intended to make it easier to group together related reports.

Notes (for Help Tab)

This text field may contain pure text or HTML. The contents are displayed on the Help tab when the report is selected in the SFD.

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