The Sales Forecast Dashboard can be accessed at the following URL
Some of the key features are:-
- Extensible design. Unlike the previous tab version, this one uses a dropdown list which permits a far great number of reports to be made available. We're also using a more "report writer" approach to design a report rather than custom writing each one individually.
- Column Sorting. By using the DataTables library, sorting is available on any column.
- Extensive use of Stored Procedures in the Data Warehouse to provide easy definition of data retrieval.
- Consistent data formating. The use of the SFD Builder (and picking the required data format) ensures that numbers, dates, percentages etc. are always displayed in a consistent format.
User Preferences
On the Help tab, the user has some preferences they can set. Changes they make are stored in the local storage for the browser. This means they will persist only on that particular computer/browser combination. If they login on another computer (or another browser on the same computer), then they will need to set their preferences again.
Highlight Alternate Rows makes the table (report) have darker backgrounds on every other row.
Grid Lines puts feint lines around each cell. With the way that DataTables puts the sort indicator in the right of the column title cell, the grids lines can sometimes make it clearer which column the sort indicator belongs too.
Table Width determines if the report should always be the full width of the browser (Full Screen) or only occupy as much space as is required (Auto).
Favourite Slots
You can run any report you like by selecting it from the Drop-down selector. However, there's probably a few reports that you always use, and these can be added to any Spare Slot.
The report in the first slot loads by default when you start the Sales Forecast Dashboard
You can change the report in any slot by simply dragging another report title over it.
If you want to clear all the slots, there is a Clear button on the Help tab.